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Derrick Lin

Creative Agency: Series Nemo
Type of work: Commercial work
Location: Barcelona, Spain

ALKKEMIST Gin explore new horizons, challenges the established, searching the light. A tireless quest in Which We take care of every detail to create an unbeatable quality gin. Innovation is the cornerstone of ALKKEMIST, a gin with a unique personality, full of tints. Samphire, Muscat grape and a distillation under the moon’s light to create an unmatched elixir.

ALKKEMIST Gin is the craftsman’s vision of a 21st century alchemist, a passionate of gin and the Mediterranean coast. One who travels the world and caresses THROUGHOUT each sunrise, detailing each new breakthrough. Botanicals, accurate notes, the key to an unsurpassed gin … Twenty-one Reasons walk forward. The journey where the senses and nature melt together, embracing perfection With Each new discovery, under the light of the moon. And return to pass the story on.

ALKKEMIST Gin particularly STI acquires personality from the full moon’s Influence. Its distillation During the full moon holds an intimate relation With the mystery around STIs formula. That Takes A making process place under the moon. Keeping safe secret to immortality.