Listerine Mouthwash Tablets (Student Project)

Derrick Lin

Designer: Shona Lett
Project Type: Student Project
School: University Of Cumbria
Course: BA HONS Graphic Design
Tutor: Jim Millington, Rhiannon Robinson
Location: Middlesbrough, UK
Packaging Contents: Mouthwash Tablets
Packaging Materials: Cardboard

For this task I had to create a new range of products and/or packaging for Listerine. Therefore I wanted to make something that the consumer got more use out of that took up less space, especially when travelling and needing to pack light. You can already purchase small bottles of Listerine to take abroad but you are limited to how many uses you can get out of it. This new range of products are Mouthwash tablets, they take up less room and are a lot lighter and all you need to use them is water and a cup. The packaging design is inspired by travel tickets, suitcases and the stickers that get attached to your luggage. I was able to use the abbreviations that airlines and train stations use in my design, as the name of the each different type of mouthwash. Inside the pack the tablets are contained in a blister pack for tamper and contamination purposes.

What’s Unique?
Listerine don’t currently sell any sort of mouthwash tablets. The packaging is inspired by travelling.