Agency: BONHO INC.
Country: Taiwan
Taiwan Centennial Blessing Tea Gift Set were carefully selected as four of Taiwan’s premium tea, and the package is surrounded by the four words (福祿壽囍FU-LU-SHOU-XI) of blessing to celebrate Taiwan’s centennial and the use of tea for Taiwanese people to express our sensibilities.
The historical and artistically designed window decorations typify windows to the Taiwanese lifestyle between a century of culture inheritance and our innovative future.The patterns of these tea gift boxes are reminiscent of traditional imagery used in old Chinese architecture to adorn windows and lampshades. The detailed ornaments symbolise hope, wellness and prosperity as well as the joy of celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of China, Taiwan.
The sophisticated packaging concept consists of an inner box, enveloped by an outer sleeve, containing tea leaves as well as cups. Thanks to its decorative patterning, the outer sleeve can also be used as a lantern. The four differentcoloured boxes are packaged together and can be carried with a delicate loop handle.