Davidoff relaunches its Winston Churchill cigar range
Davidoff’s Winston Churchill Cigars has been relaunched with a new blend and “Cigars of Character” positioning developed by London-based Team Davidoff (branding agency DewGibbons + Partners and ad agency Johnny Fearless). In addition, the brand identity and packaging design were conceived by DewGibbons + Partners, who also provided event design concepts to bring the brand to life at an invitation-only press launch event in New York City.
Davidoff holds the license to manufacture and distribute Winston Churchill branded cigars. Following Davidoff’s review of the blends and formats of these super premium cigars, DewGibbons + Partners’ challenge was to create a brand positioning (alongside Johnny Fearless), then devise an identity and packaging design that are as compelling, complex, and iconic as the man himself – whilst bringing the range more in line with the Davidoff masterbrand.
The Winston Churchill Cigar positioning is all about “Cigars of Character” – a six-strong range of the finest cigars inspired by the iconic aficionado. Capturing the spirit of the man, each cigar celebrates a different aspect of his richly complex character: the aristocrat, the artist, the statesman, the commander, the raconteur, and the traveller. A brand story was also articulated in conjunction with ad agency Johnny Fearless.
Nick Vaus, Creative Director at DewGibbons + Partners, said: “Winston Churchill’s achievements have gone down in history, and his personality, values and qualities have timeless, global relevance – making him the perfect inspiration for the brand’s positioning.”
The identity and packaging design echo the positioning and brand story. This includes a Winston Churchill silhouette with different backgrounds that reflect each cigar’s character, a newly created Winston Churchill font, and modernisation of the pre-existing crest as a subtle spot UV varnish. The relationship to the Davidoff masterbrand is introduced through equities such as the white and gold colour palette and the use of Gotham as the secondary logotype.
Charles Awad, Senior Vice President Global Marketing and Innovation at Oettinger Davidoff Group said: “DewGibbons + Partners and Johnny Fearless have helped us rebuild desire for Winston Churchill Cigars in the Age of Now. The man was one of the most iconic cigar aficionados in history, and I am proud to say that we now have with Davidoff, and this superbly complex cigar blend, the only brand that deserves to bear his name.”