Designer: Lane Martin
Project Type: Student Project
School: Fort Hays State University
Course: Portfolio
Tutor: Karrie Simpson Voth
Location: Hays, KS, USA
Packaging Contents: Coffee Bags, French Press, Poster
Packaging Material: Paper
We are The Press.
We love coffee and the people behind what it takes to get you your morning joe. Coffee farmers around the world spend their limited supply of drinking water to grow the beans that we take for granted—our mission is to give back to them. Through the purchase of our whole bean, single-sourced coffee, you are providing agricultural communities worldwide with one of the basic necessities of life: water.
The object is to show coffee culture in a simple and relevant way as well as to raise support and awareness of those in need of clean drinking water in coffee production regions.
What’s Unique?
This is a conceptual line that would not only make a quality product in single sourced coffee, but it would also give back to these farmers who use their own clean drinking water to provide their services. This captures the actual individuals “The Press” goes to help, thus creating a following of supporters and not just consumers. In the packaging I wanted to use print that would cut down on costs to be able to get as much support to the farmers. Also using the app and website not just to have them but to go to and see where you are helping, the people you are effecting, and track your purchases.