Agency: Gustaf Boman Network
Additional Credits: Gustaf Boman, Stefan Raabe, Robin Olofsson
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: älska – The Swedish Cider Company
Location: Sweden
Packaging Contents: Fruit cider
Packaging Materials: Plastic
älska Cider – Pure Love from Stockholm
älska is all about pure love and top quality. You see, älska is the Swedish word for love. Luckily, we found this cider to be perfect flavoured and it also turned out to be 100% natural, vegan friendly and gluten free. That we älska!
When älska is now being spread over the world we received, among other things, request to package their cans in a handy pack of four. With 100% natural ingredients came the idea quite clearly. And most people älska it!
What’s Unique?
When we were going to press the shrink plastic, it was important for us to keep the design “forgiving” when we can not control the locations of the texts at one hundred percent. We photographed and retouched the fruit textures, and strengthened it all with shadows & glare, and then to top the crown of the package with more characteristic features of the fruits.