Packaging You Shouldn’t Miss In January 2016

Derrick Lin


Packaging of the World presents the top 10 posts for the month of January 2016. They are selected according to their post views, social shares, social likes, re-tweets repins and people reached. All these data were collected on this website and also on different platforms like our Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest page.

丸莊醬油 – Soy Sauce Packaging designed by Han-Ching Huang

丸莊醬油 is a well-known soy sauce brand in Taiwan, but the packages of the products are still traditional and plain. Hence I re-brand the corporate, redesign the logotype and create a whole new packaging design for soy sauce. This new version of packaging design is especially for people or tourists who want to buy as souvenir or season gift.

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‪Straw‬ Pak ‪Student‬ ‎Concept‬ ‪packaging‬ by Hongik University

Many drinks come in Tetra Pak cartons because it’s cheap and convenient. To drink from a Tetra Pak, you need a straw, which is usually attached to the outside of the Tetra Pak and can therefore be easily damaged or removed. In addition, as the straw is made of plastic and covered with vinyl for hygiene reasons, it represents a waste of resources. With Straw Pak, both the straw and the Tetra Pak are made from one piece of paper. As here the straw isn’t easily lost or damaged and doesn’t require any extra materials, it saves both resources and space.

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Funky Business ‪Fingerboard‬ ‎packaging‬

Don’t forget to live, add into business a little bit of funky New year’s gift set for clients and friends of brand agency FUNKY BUSINESS “Work is a good way to forget about main thing and concentrate on little things. Don’t forget to live, add into business a little bit of Funky!”

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FongCha ‎Tea‬ ‎packaging‬ designed by Nio Ni

Natural landscapes with abundance of tea plantations filled the road from Taitung to Hualien. Four packaging when placed together shows the illustration of the tea plantations.

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Lawna ‪‎Cotton Swabs‬ ‪‎concept‬ ‪‎packaging‬ designed by Ann Huang

This design performs the fun way to use the cotton swabs packages, more interact with people and it’s much more cute than the packages we saw in the market. The special place about this design is the sheep’s body is made out of only one piece of hard paper, which can be fold into flat plane and easy to store.

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Loving Earth ‎chocolate‬ ‪packaging‬ designed by Round

Loving Earth had been an early leader in the organic food movement. Since launching in 2007, the brand had developed a loyal following from consumers and in the aisles of their stockists. Yet, while their following was cultish, their broader commercial cut-through was not. By 2014, the notion of organic had become prevalent, organic products pervaded the market and simply adhering to an organic philosophy was not enough to ensure sustainable success. What had worked for Loving Earth since their inception – a quirky brand centred on care and community – needed to be rethought as they looked to expand both their retail presence and product range.

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Noskam ‪‎Student‬ ‪‎packaging‬ ‎concept‬ designed by muskat

Fictional packaging, fighting the symptoms of »shame«, which was the topic of typography class at TH Nürnberg.

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Hunsa Heat & Eat ‪Bangers‬ ‎packaging‬ designed by Dessein

A new concept in Australia – Hunsa’s range of pre-cooked sausages (bangers) are packaged ready for consumers to simply heat & eat within just 5 minutes. As quality smallgoods producers, Hunsa has a reputation for using premium cuts of Australian meats with big flavours. The introduction of these 4 new flavours (Thai Chicken, Mexican Salsa, Polish Kransky and Spanish Chorizo) centres around the use of various herbs and spices from across the world to create a range of sausages with unique fusions of flavours.

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Affinity Ultima Bon Appetite ‪pet food ‪packaging designed by Marçal P.

Affinity Ultima ‘Bon Appetite’ packaging proposal decoration. The product is a gourmet mini dog food line. The main concept to communicate was the excellent taste, so the tab, used to pull the lid off, is painted red to represent the tongue of a happy dog giving the packaging an unexpected design element that is eye-catching on the selves.

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Nova ‎Chocolates ‪packaging by Daryl Feril Studio & Emily Wolf

Colorado’s Nova Chocolate begins with exceptional cacao beans, harvested and roasted at their origin using traditional techniques. Working directly with farmers, the brand helps promote sustainable communities while creating chocolate of unsurpassed quality and purity. Every creation is a delicacy, reflecting the flavor of its origin and the integrity of its ingredients. Simple, sustainable, and delicious.

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