Cultive Uma Ideia – Gourmet Mushrooms

Derrick Lin

Designer: Jackes Araujo
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Cultive Uma Ideia
Location: Brazil, Mogi Mirim
Packaging Contents: Gourmet Mushrooms
Packaging Materials: Kraft Paper

Cultive Uma Ideia is a producer of organic and gourmet mushrooms that can be grown, harvested, and prepared inside your kitchen. The packaging, in addition to reinforcing these values, allows cultivation with practicality, even by those who do not have a vegetable garden inside their own home. Made of environmentally friendly kraft paper, the corners bent in a geometric shape allow for minimal glue usage for closure. The black printing is designed to contrast with the information and help in maintaining the temperature inside of the packaging. By removing the top cover, the packaging can be used as a vase, and users only need to replace the internal in ll to start a new crop. A brace, printed on paper with more colors, closes the packaging, and allows customization, without having to print a totally new packaging, in addition to making it beautiful and visually balanced.

What’s Unique?

Environmentally friendly kraft paper; Minimal glue usage for closure; The black printing help in maintaining the temperature inside; The packaging can be used as a vase; A brace allows customization, without having to print a totally new packaging.