Andrea Castelletti Studio

Via Breno, 2, 20139 Milano MI, Italia

Creative Director: Andrea Castelletti
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Antica Tenuta Pietramore
Location: Milan, Italy
Packaging Contents: Biodynamic wine
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass bottle
Printing Process: Offset, Gold foil, Luminescent UV varnish.

Pietramore is a biodynamic winery from Abruzzo, Italy.

  • A cultivation based on the biodynamic method takes into account of the influences of the constellations and in particular the transit of the Moon through them.
  • The biodynamics requires an “holistic” approach to agriculture: a farm is therefore seen as a sort of organism immersed in cosmic forces.
  • In the biodynamic theory the earth and the sky are part of a cycle of energies that contributes to the creation of life.

The biodynamic theory teaches us to observe the earth to find out how the “magic” power of the sky takes action on it. The design of the new Pietramore labels revolves around this theme: the earth and the sky are in a perfect symbiosis. The concept was put into practice by designing a layout with a close-up of a different stone for each type of wine.​​​​​​​

Each wine has been associated to a constellation that has been printed on the stone with gold foil and with a luminescent UV varnish that glows in the dark.

What’s Unique?
Luminescent UV varnish that glows in the dark printed on the gold foil.