Design: Ekaterina Kitsyuk
Location: Russia
Project Type: Student Project
School: HSE art and design school
Tutor: Fida Kuchukbaeva
Packaging Contents: Men’s face mask
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Sachet package
Printing Process: Flexography

WOW mask – super mask for real men!

This is a line of cosmetic fabric face masks created for real men! The packaging design for the line is inspired by Mexican wrestlers Lucha Libre and their stunning colorful bright masks. This approach makes the line the first truly brutal line of masks that a man is not ashamed to buy in a store and proudly make it for himself and show to others.

WOW masks are made in the same style using the original author’s font. The types of masks differ depending on their purpose: green – tonic; yellow – soothing; pink – moisturizing. Herbal masks contain aloe juice and are suitable for all skin types You can take a mask that suits your type of purpose or take a mask with your favorite wrestler. The choice is always yours. Be strong and beautiful. Wear a mask!