Design: Curve Creative Studio
Location: Italy
Project Type: Produced
Client: Taurus
Photography: Pepe Fotografia
Product Launch Location: Global
Packaging Contents: Beverage
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass Bottle, Cardboard packaging
Printing Process: Silk screen printing

The legend says that after drinking a mysterious and powerful elixir a bull managed to defeat a terrible dragon who had been spreading fear and destruction throughout the city of Turin. Since then, that very bull has dominated the city standard as a symbol of the strength and the courage of its inhabitants.

Today, following the footsteps of that legend, Taurus Gin wants to commemorate the audacity of that bull: its stinging taste, with Black Pepper and Ginger notes, and its unusual black colour, make this Gin one of a kind. Following an ancient recipe which has traveled through generations, we now have that magical elixir drunk by the bull before its victorious fight.

Since 2012, Curve Studio’s activities have included digital communication, creativity and strategy, giving customers the best solutions to communicate their brand and make it grow. For Taurus Gin, Curve Studio has used its expertise for naming, branding, graphics, packaging, coordinated communication, ads and social media.