Different thinking qualitatively changes into different “HOLD WATER” (vessels of Oriental philosophy and harmony). To maintain a balanced ecology, sensibility and rationality are naturally integrated into the vessels, and the unique thinking of “round sky and square earth” forms Oriental philosophy. We take the upper and lower parts of the vessels as the connection point between heaven and earth to keep the stability of the senses. Because of this simple and original thinking, we choose rough clay as raw materials, through a series of traditional techniques: grouting, drying, blowing glaze, high temperature firing, so that the original thinking shape into an objective existence. The kiln burns at 1300 degrees, which changes the quality of the clay and radiates new vitality at the moment of opening the kiln. We hope to use the “HOLD WATER” to convey thinking, and feel the relaxed breath and mellow life state through every use.
不同的思考质变不同的“融器”(东方哲思、圆融的器皿)。保持一种平衡生态,感性和理性自然地融入器皿之中,“天圆地方”的独特思考形成东方哲思,我们将器皿上下作为天地的连接点,保持感官的稳定。源于这种质朴且原始的思考,我们选用粗犷的陶土作为原料,通过一系列传统工艺:注浆、晾晒、吹釉、高温烧制,让原本的思考成型,塑造成一种客观的存在。1300度的窑内炽烧,让陶土质变,开窑的瞬间焕发新的生命力。 我们希望用“融器”传递思考,通过每一次使用来感受松弛的呼吸和圆融的生活状态。