Holy Studio

Praça Monsenhor Emílio Lottermann, 40 - Floresta, Porto Alegre - RS, 90560-050, Brazil

Bardêra is a brand of dulce de leche based liqueurs following traditional Argentine recipes developed in Brazil by the Argentine Alejandro Roth. The design mission consisted of expanding the perception of product quality without losing its essence and originality.

Inspired by the culture of Argentine “Fileteados”, the labels embellish the explosion of flavor and vibrancy that their liqueurs usually bring in an atmosphere of harmony with the color and previous labels of the brand, delivering an elegant and tasty result.

The project was developed anticipating variation for various experiments and releases that will emerge in the future. The first line extension is Bardêra Marroc, a dulce de leche Liqueur with Chocolate and Peanut Butter.


Holy Studio

Praça Monsenhor Emílio Lottermann, 40 - Floresta, Porto Alegre - RS, 90560-050, Brazil
Creative Directors: Erik Marchetti, Luis Felippe Cavalcanti
Strategy: Erik Marchetti, Luis Felippe Cavalcanti
Printing Production: Wagner F. Nery - De Gráfica
Photography: Moropolo Studio
Retouching: Patricia Thiesen
Alejandro Roth