Dalgona Whipped Coffee

Derrick Lin

Design: Paul Lee
Location: New Zealand
Project Type: Concept
Packaging Contents: Coffee, Milk
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Cardboard
Printing Process: Foil Stamping

With the current situation of coronavirus, our creative fields are not like before. We are facing an unprecedented time and many people around the globe are self-isolating to flatten the curve. This global movement caused people to find something to do at their house. This Dalgona (aka whipped coffee) is one of the creative outcomes introduced during crisis. My project was to create a Dalgona packaging that can be introduced to many other people even after the COVID-19 crisis.

Packaging and brand identity for Dalgona, a sensational whipped coffee originated during the 2019-2020 Coronavirus Pandemic. The visual elements were carefully selected with 100% recyclable cardboard and repurpose-able packaging. The minimalistic layout has been the ongoing theme with the logomark, text, and packaging. The bold yet eloquent typeface has been used for the logomark, letting the brand speaks for the product.

Comes in two flavors, original and matcha in 330ml coffee milk, Dalgona will give you unprecedented coffee experience.

What’s Unique?
Its market value is unique as none yet came up with Dalgona Coffee beverage to sell mass. The design is also unique with cylindrical shapes for milk carton packaging.