Reddizajna (Student Work)

Derrick Lin

Designed by Predrag Rmus, studying graphic design at State University of Kragujevac, Serbia.

The whole concept and idea to communicate with future customer based on few slogan: REDSLANINE, REDMESA, REDSIRA, REDDIZAJNA … which symbolically represents the state in the field, as we are able to satisfy the basic biological need to think about the little those needs to the highest derivative. These are certainly design or artistic purposes.

Name of studio REDDIZAJNA logo is written in Helvetica font Neue (and the only font that is used In preparing the entire visual identity) with a few interventions (for ease of reading, the letters A and J are connected that the gap between them was lower), while the word REDDESIGN and divided into two rows one after the other, which suggests the meaning of the words RED. The word DESIGN presented Two-D in which one obtain a new graphic size and character of the studies thatcan be used independently of logo. The sign is red in color symbolically alludes to the word RED which is the name of the studioy. In addition to characters and logos in branding design studio REDDIZAJNA is made up of packaging boxes various sizes. Boxes are made so placed on the circle or in the order given one of the slogans: REDKUTIJA, REDPAKOVANJA, REDAMBALAŽE … they are viewed as a whole and are playing typography, color and size of all the for the demonstration design.

In the box “of traditional disassembled” reportedly packed bacon, meat, cheese, and design and they serve observers stated that the thinking is why we design is required and whether he can at all to pack, if otherwise, as throughout this project stalls side by side with what we need to satisfy biological needs.

  1. Really interesting. It might take a while to figure out from which angle to look to get the text correct. Also, i would have never guessed that it was actually a packaging for food products.

  2. Yah right! you'll be deceive in a first glance. You thought it's a hard stuff inside. This packaging concept might get great attention to many.

  3. Yah right! you'll be deceive on the first glance. It could be a something hard stuff inside. This packaging concept might get attention to many.

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Derrick Lin