Designed by iQonic, Russia.
Creative director: Irina Krasnoperkina
Designer: Oxana Tarasova, Denis Vedeneev
Copywriter: Anastasia Patlay
Account director: Alena Kuznetsova

iQonic branding has created a new elite tea brand for Aurivallis tea company.

The iQonic team has worked out the 4 sku naming, logo and packaging design of the new trademark – “Montea”.

This is an elite tea brand for those who are hungry for new experiences and want to look after thier health.

“Montea” is a natural organic herbal tea enriched with fruits and berries. All ingredients are hand-picked on the mountainsides of Altai.

The design of the package illustrates the origin of the tea and includes images of the mountains combined with ancient Altai decorative designs.

At the moment Montea collection consists of 4 SKU — “Malenta”, “Ribella”, “Solanta” and “Miella”.