Derrick Lin

Agency: Grand Angle Design
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: EVIAN
Location: France, US, Canada, Japan
Packaging Contents: Water
Packaging Materials: PET

To create a brand new bottle designed for premium countries such as The USA, Canada and Japan, Grand Angle Design chose to place the French Alps at the heart of its creation. With a clean, simple and elegant shape, through a subtly transparent and a unique double-sided printed label effect, this new bottle highlights what is inside: a pure and natural water.

At first sold in 33 cl, 50 cl and 1L formats in these countries, driven by its success, evian Prestige has been launched in France in 2014 and now exists also in a 1,25L bottle also designed by Grand Angle Design!

What’s Unique?
To create a unique bottle, beyond its new shape, Grand Angle Design decided to play with the see-through effect: double-sided printed back label that can be seen through the transparent front label.