Farmshop Dairy Products (Concept)

Derrick Lin

Creative Agency: Studio Peper & Goud
Concept And Visuals: Liselotte Heesbeen, Bea Nijdam
Project Type: Concept
Location: Utrecht, Netherlands
Packaging Contents: (cow)meat, cheese, milk
Packaging Materials: Paper

Packaging concept for a farm shop where milk, cheese and meat are the main products and can be bought directly from the farmer. The designs color palette is made up of strong colors that stand out between the other farm products from many different sellers. The visual language is inspired by showing the origin of the product. The illustrations are made by using simple and basic shapes that are still easily recognisable in the final product. Like the origin of the products you can see the origin of the images (basic shapes). The icon-language makes sure the most important facts about the product are easily processed by the customer. No extensive reading sessions necessary while being in the supermarket. (More info in project image)

What’s Unique?
– Telling must-know en fun-to know information with icons and little text so the customer can take in the unique seller points in a very efficiënt way.

– The clear visual language is not just for fun or to attract people. It designed in line with the philosophy behind the food; being transparant about the origin of the product.

– All labels and packaging is easily added to the products on location so nothing needs to be pre-packed. Which matches the farmers wishes to produce and prepare everything on the farm itself.