JENE. (Student Project)

Derrick Lin

Designer: Brenna Veenstra
Project Type: Student Project
Professor: Nagesh Shinde
School: University of Wisconsin Stout
Course: Packaging Design
Location: Menomonie Wis.
Packaging Contents: Jenever (Gin+Whiskey)
Packaging Materials: Vinyl, acrylic, cardboard

Jenever. Not gin, not Dutch gin, jenever. This clear botanically rich, malted grain-based spirit is only made in Belgium and Holland. Combining the flavors of gin and whiskey, jenever is blended to perfection.

Inspired by the confusion of the pronunciation of jenever… (JENIFER?)… I have branded a company called JENE. Right now jenever is known as an old-man-at-the-bar drink. In the attempt to target a younger audience, I have branded JENE as more of a gift item for young millennials. With using a minimal Dutch inspired design, I have created a modern take on jenever.

What’s Unique?
Unlike other jenevers, this jenever will stick out on the shelf and catch your eye.