Designer: Santiago Zemma
Graphic Designer: Lucila Marina Ruiz Moreno
Artistic Director: Yamil Le Parc
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Rutini Wines
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Packaging Contents: Wine (Limited Edition)
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Mirror Glass, Black Paper
Printing Process: Seri graphic printing
A great malbec wine of an exclusive limited edition of 2.000 bottles and individual cases in tribute to the kinetic artist Julio Le Parc and the Rutini´s winemaker Mariano Di Paola, both born in Mendoza, Argentina.
The design of this special wine box has been inspired by the art work “Displacement” of Julio Le Parc that reflects the optic image on the mirrored bottle, making the observer participate.
Supervised by the artist and his son Yamil Le Parc, respecting the materials used in his own work.
What’s Unique?
The work of the great kinetic artist JULIO LE PARC reflected in his bottle of a great malbec wine created with passion by the oenologist Lic. Mariano Di Paola and the best grapes of RUTINI WINES.