Creative Agency: Kiss Zsombor
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Yeast Wörks
Location: Hungary
Packaging Contents: Craft Beer
Packaging Materials: Glass and paper
The Duke of Budapest is a beautifully elegant quaffable Hungarian craft-brew! It’s a New England IPA – hazy from the enormous amount of dry hops added, but not really bitter due to the lack of traditional hopping. This beer is the summit of the last decade of Budapest craft-brewing, inspired by the excellence of the creative minds behind it. Celebrating the unique creativity of Budapest in general, and spreading the news about it throughout the world! This beer is a cooperation between Mad Scientist and Yeast Wörks – the gypsy brewery grown out of Budapest’s first and greatest craft beer bar – Élesztő!
Our goal was to develop a genuinely popular high-quality product, able to stand the test of international markets.
The inspiration for the name came from the brewery, Mad Scientist itself, and the unique history of Budapest craft-beer brewing. This beer is there to herald the treasures of Budapest and the creativity of its inhabitants!
Only the one who has seen the great wide world is able to value Budapest. The historical environment and the whirling kaleidoscope of creative people create an exciting mixture, which we, the people of Budapest know the best. The Duke of Budapest brand is built on this thought.
The typography of the label evokes the unique world of Budapest ruin pubs by its abstract means. Why did we choose the atmosphere of ruin-pubs? It is at these places that the pulsation of creative energy can be best experienced. This atmosphere is conveyed by damaged texture and the congestion of the fonts, the letters standing upon their heads, the reduced colour scheme, the contrasts and the powerful image of the letters.
The empty crest motif is inserted into this easygoing, playful visual structure referring to the name “Duke”. Since it is not a real or hereditary title, the crest avoids historycizing, and only metaphorically evokes the aristocracy in its raw abstract way. The logo-like crest in itself is a key visual element returning on the cap and badge as well.
The black and white line structure appearing next to the title catches the eye with its op-art-like vibration and leads it over to the description.
The usage of italic antique fonts for the back-label content and the front label description nicely counterbalances the modernist look of the front label, and the loose makeup of the back label content. By connecting the modern look with the references to classic values, the label establishes a harmony between old and new.