Puds! Popcorn

Derrick Lin

Designer: Smita
Project Type: Student Project
School: MIT Institute of Design
Course: Branding and Packaging
Location: Pune, India
Packaging Contents: Popcorn
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Paper, cardboard, foamboard
Printing Process: Digital Printing

In India popcorn is usually consumed only while watching movies or rarely in amusment parks or malls. People still aren’t familer with it being a casual snack which can be eaten during other activities like a get together, in games, in parks, a midnight snack, with drinks, in play theaters, at a board game nights or even just with the afternoon tea.

Popcorn is a healthy snack when eaten ‘simply salted’. Other flavours add incredible tastes and a punch to this light snack but this comes with butter still keeping it much healthier than the other munchies like fries, chips and other oily snacks.

The colours chosen are orange and red representing savoury and sweet respectively. These colours compliment the colour of popcorn just right keeping the ‘Hot and Fresh’ element of it. Also both are bright colours which go well with white and represent the food colors are they both belong to a warm colour scheme.

Tints and shades of both have been used in the visual language to add variety.

Visual Language
The visual language pattern is created with different sizes and colours of squares some also having the a pattern within themselves. This represents the different sizes in popcorn and the variety in flavours also it gives a very peppy, quirky and a happy look cause of the broght colours and simple design.