Creative Agency: Creative Invention Studio
Graphic Designer/Creative Director: Broklin Onjei
Project Type: Commercial Work
Location: Vancouver, BC. Canada
Packaging Contents: Skincare
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Tube, Airless cosmetic bottles

Justagirl is a new teen skincare brand with four different skincare products by Adorlée Beauty Inc, a cosmetic and skincare company based in Vancouver, BC Canada – Eye Beauty Specialist, developing and marketing advanced bio-formulated skincare products that specifically focus on the eye area.

This brand was envisioned for the teenage demographic, where the industry typically encapsulates sexy tones and teenage themes. The creative decisions are to dial into the younger, fresher and more trustable feelings associated with a more cartoonish yet refined visual identity. Illustrations developed for the package design are inspired by stick figures or doodles that are commonly found in kids notepad or sketchbook. Patterns were also created by illustrating each extract (flavour) or ingredient used in producing the product.

What’s Unique?
Logo design: The logo design is a customize handmade wordmark cooperated with a stick figure icon replacing the letter “i” on the word “girl”. We wanted something unique and different from every other skincare brand out there, but also something more fun for consumers to talk about.

Approaching more deeper into a teen life in our modern world, some of their social media slangs and movements has been used as the main titles for each product.

The colour theory was developed for cleanliness, modernism and minimalistic elements that will be attractive and unique to the consumer seeking a new skincare product, while they also have some meaningful words that reflect the brand and packaging.