Designer: Marwan
Project Type: Concept
Location: Cairo, Egypt
Packaging Contents: Juice
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Tetra pack
FROOTS is based on a simple yet smart idea Since fruits grow out of roots from bottom to top, we merged the two words (fruits + roots) for having the same rhyme.Visual Identity
Based on the concept, fruits were distributed visually all over the packs from bottom to top in an emerging roots-like, going up with the brand name placed vertically to empower it. This identity gives the whole packs a unified look when they are put together on the shelves, and makes it easy for consumers to identify them the moment they lay their eyes on the brand packages.
What’s Unique?
fruits were distributed visually all over the packs from bottom to top in an emerging roots-like, going up with the brand name placed vertically to empower it. This identity gives the whole packs a unified look when they are put together on the shelves, and makes it easy for consumers to identify them the moment they lay their eyes on the brand packages.