Designer: Evgeniy Bezdenezhnykh
Project Type: Student Project
School: Hse Art And Design School
Course: 1
Tutor: Alex Kuznetsova, Pavel Borisovsky
Location: Moscow, Russia
Packaging Contents: Stewed fruit
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Plastic
Printing Process: Digital printing
The task was to develop a corporate identity and packaging for the fruit compote, entitled “Golova Sadovaya”. As a result, the functional jar was created with the handle and the spoon for easier fruit extraction. The handle of the spoon is hollow inside, and it can be used as a straw. Each taste — it’s own head with respective fruit shape beard. Also, the banks differ from each other in the color of the lid and spoon. The color correlate with the color of the fruit. The additional information was placed on the stickers that were sticked on the lid of the jar. “Golova Sadovaya” — Russian sustainable phrase, literally translated as “Garden Head”.