Design: Getbrand
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Ehrmann
Location: Moscow, Russia
Packaging Contents: Drinking yoghurt
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Plastic bottle

The company “Ehrmann” has expanded the range of the brand “Epica”, launching a new series of drinking yoghurts with the taste of exotic fruits.

A task:
Ehrmann’s brand Epica is widely recognized in the market and is valued by the buyer. The company Ehrmann decided to release under the legendary brand the line of drinking yoghurts with exotic tastes. The new product will expand the brand’s line functionally. Just like the main product, drinking Epica is designed for people who choose healthy food and monitor their health. Freshness, lightness, boldness are the characteristics of the brand.

The main feature of “Epica” products is high protein content and few calories. It is an ideal and useful dessert for any woman. We communicate this idea through claiming “a lot of protein” and “natural product”

In the packaging design, we decided to focus on yogurt fillers. Food zone consists of a large image of juicy fresh fruit. Such a large and conspicuous food zone favorably distinguishes the product on the shelf. The contrast brand logo accentuates the brand.

On the back side, we talk about the benefits of protein and its functions in the body. This is another step motivating the consumer to buy the product.

Drinking yoghurt Epica is a tasty and useful snack that is convenient to take with you and drink after a workout or just enjoy exotic taste at any suitable time.