Prekrasnodar – gifts of nature


Design: Getbrand
Location: Russia
Project Type: Produced
Product Launch Location: Russia
Packaging Contents: Apples

About the project
The AFG company is one of the largest vertically integrated agro-industrial holdings in Russia, operating on the principle of “from field to counter.” The Southern Lands company, a member of the structure, specializes in the production of different apples (Granny Smith, Gala, Golden Delicious, Red Delicious).

On the Russian market, almost none of the producers brand vegetables and fruits, including apples. The buyer can only distinguish them by country of origin, color, and partly by variety. This is the maximum differentiation available to the Russian consumer.

Creating a brand in this category allows AFG to occupy a niche that is now empty. Our task was to develop a new brand of apples in the medium-plus segment with a memorable identity emphasizing Russian origin, high quality.

AFG-National has been growing apples since 2015. Today, the total area of orchards is 700 hectares. In addition, the company has at its disposal fruit storage and a nursery of seedlings, which allows you to control all stages of production and storage.

Products are grown in the Crimean and Abinsk regions of the Krasnodar, traditionally famous for their orchards.

Using our tool “Growth Platforms”, we identified promising territories for positioning. We selected two on the basis of which we developed the brand platform.

The first – “Stars among fruits” – speaks of the uniqueness of fruits, appealing to the fact that these are the only apples in the mass of no name that has a name and whose origin can be traced. The second – “Speak for themselves” – emphasizes the essence of the product, in which there is nothing that nature does not put there. The technologies that the company uses do not harm but help the fruits grow and gain flavor.

A design was developed with the help of our technique “3 layers of efficiency”.

The slogan “Fruits of the first magnitude” is played out in the design: large juicy apples occupy the entire space on the package. Depending on the variety, the image of apples on the flow pack changes and becomes an additional identifier.

The logo is designed as a pseudo-sticker on a huge apple and appeals to naturalness. The name “Prekrasnodar”, built on a pun, gives an associative binding to the place of origin of apples (Krasnodar) and excellent taste.

Copywriting is responsible for the conversion layer, which dispels the buyer’s doubts about the quality and processing of Russian fruits sold outside the traditional season and reveals the taste characteristics of the product.

Choosing the brand “Prekrasnodar”, the buyer can be confident in their choice. These are fresh, high-quality, safe and varied traditional fruits grown in Russia.