Emi Renzi

Design: Emi Renzi
Location: Argentina
Project Type: Concept
Packaging Contents: Beer
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass Bottle, Paper
Printing Process: Digital printing

Beer “EL PUERTO” A Patagonian craft beer, inspired by the ports of southern Argentina.

A golden amber beer with a citrus flavor, made with American “Cascade” hops. The port in Argentina is very significant, not only because they are important for trade, but also because of the massive migrations from Europe at the beginning of the last century, where the ports were the access doors to the country, these immigrants were, neither more nor less, than our grandparents.

What’s Unique?
It is unique because it is made in southern Argentina where the best beer in the country is made, and also because of the nostalgia of our ancestors, it is the combination of both.