Mango Beer – Lạc Brewing Co

Derrick Lin

Design: Pim Truong
Location: Vietnam
Project Type: Concept
Packaging Contents: Beer
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass bottle, paper
Printing Process: Digital printing

LAC Brewing is a craft beer brand based in Saigon, Vietnam that was founded by Cuong Dang and Lucas Jans. Their beers are inspired by tropical ingredients and local flavors, which are extraordinary tasty tastes for a developing country like Vietnam. Mango IPA, aka mango IPA smoothie, is an accessible Vietnamese mango and malt-flavored IPA craft beer for everyone.

“Opening your mind, refreshing your soul”

In Vietnamese, “Lac” could be understood by many interesting meanings. First, it is referred to Dong Son’s culture, the ancestral civilization of Vietnam nearly 5,000 years ago. The Dong Son people, as known as Lac or Lac Viet, chose this name to honor the original craftsmen and artists, where they spent their passion and dedication to create unique and beautiful artworks. On the other hand, “Lac” can also mean “getting lost in mind”, lost in the feeling of lightheadedness with cups of beer, or getting drunk and lost their way.

The illustrated image from this packaging is an impromptu combination of the image of “getting lost” in the “labyrinth” in our mind. Drinking “Lac” beer will blow up our excitement, then drive us to exciting journeys to discover great things from many layers in our soul. Last but not least, drinking beer is definitely not for getting drunk, everyone could drink beer to lifting the flavor of their meal, to feel more excited for good news, or to forget their sadness.

What’s Unique?
The packaging project with colors and illustrations to tell about the interesting drinking experience, along with the comfortable canister and the style.