Design: Wishnia
Location: Ukraine
Project Type: Produced
Client: Palala
Product Launch Location: Europe
Packaging Contents: Body cosmetics
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass bottle, Plastic
Printing Process: Flexography
Palala is a place to burn fat and ignite sensuality. A place to care. A place where coaches rekindle fire inside women, or even a big flame.
We’ve developed a visual and verbal identity for the body care studio. The studio works according to the methods of Cosmetic Industry Equipment and Metabolic Fitness. At the beginning of the Palala project, we analyzed the market for body care studios for women and made sure it’s time to get out of names with the prefix “beauty”, “body” and similar stuff. We have offered several naming options and in order to choose the best surveyed with the target audience of the brand. After that, we’ve decided on Palala – a name that is associated with the service of burning and ignition.
Body care studio Palala is a systematic approach, where masters and trainers control your progress at all stages. We have captured the brand system in a corporate style that was transformed into a bright pattern. The logo recalls a flower the petals of which symbolize beauty components: health, emotion, aesthetics, and self-love. We have developed branded labels and packaging for the product that works with.