Design: mirrolab
Location: Ukraine
Project Type: Produced
Client: Purcari Wineries PCL
Product Launch Location: Europe
Packaging Contents: Wine
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass bottle, Paper, Foil
Printing Process: Foil stamping

Purcari Wineries Plc is one of the largest producers of wine and cognac in Central and Eastern Europe. Once at the winery Crama Ceptura, part of the Purcari group, decided to create a new product, not even so – a new brand. We undertook the created of the brand. All we knew was that it was rose wine and saw in which bottle it would be poured.

Everything else – the name, the packaging, the communication strategy and the communication itself – we did from scratch. WINE CRIME – this is a story switch. Light, cheerful, sometimes bold, but quite decent. The main mood is mischievous, playful, a little frivolous.

We designed the packaging in a minimalist style, so as not to take away attention from the main thing – wine. We also drew a thematic illustration on the back of the package with the little pranks that happen with Wine Crime.