The challenge was to reinvent the classic image of rum designs and bring to the public a new approach.
Our design concept explores many tribal & African pattern styles and combinations. The goal of this rum design is to create a tactile and visual experience while connecting with its audience.
The rum naming adds a more playful tone to the brand identity.
The design process started by sketching and combining techniques with vibrant and dark colors to create a strong contrast.
This spirit packaging design uses an intricate illustration of a giraffe placed on a harmonious gradient background.
The color palette starts with beautiful turquoise light greens and grows into dark colors while also using a strong accent, a bold red color.
The rum logo mixes more typographic styles to continue this complex and detailed graphical composition.
The shape of the bottle takes a wider proportion on the upper side and slims down to the bottom while using a simple and continuous flow.
CreativeByDefinition wants to bring a unique character to this rum packaging design. This striking and powerful visual identity plays with colors, shadows, patterns, and hand-drawn details while balancing it with a modern typographic logo.