On bright moonlit nights, people whisper tales of diligent rabbits pounding rice cakes in the moon’s celestial court. Inspired by this legend, Bracom brings forth a story with a more enchanted perspective—who says rabbits only pound rice cakes? There are more wondrous tales waiting to be told.

It is said that on the night when the Moon is in its fullest, casting its silver glow upon shimmering rivers, the rabbits busily craft fragrant moon-shaped cakes in admiration of the Moon. These rabbits pound pure white clouds into flour and gather the brightest stars for the filling, creating a scene that unfolds like an adventure into a magical lunar realm. Each cake they create transports us to a place of innocent wonder and magic, infused with a touch of whimsy about the impossible. These moments allow us to revel in the joyful and miraculous atmosphere of a moonlit autumn night.

The unique design of the cake box, reminiscent of a carousel, evokes beautiful, emotional memories of childhood, when we eagerly followed the endless rotations. The joy then was simply in the soaring, the laughter, and the wish that the carousel would keep turning, taking us into a fairy-tale world where dreams and happiness never end. With this design, Bracom wishes to offer you not just delicious Mid-Autumn Festival cakes, but also moments of being “Over The Moon”—a joy that overflows and happiness that fills the heart. Let the “OVER THE MOON” cake box from SOKO awaken your emotions, allowing you to relive the purest, most genuine feelings and enjoy a warm, laughter-filled festive season of reunion.


Bracom Agency

Executive Creative Director: Andy Ho
Project Manager: Van Duc Hoa
Designer: Huy Tran, Khanh Khuat
Motion Designer: Vy Pham, Tung Do
3D Visualizer: Dat Vu, Duy Tran & Soko Team
Soko Group