Oatrageous (Student Work)

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Derrick Lin


The object of this project was to create a new image for an oatmeal in order to better position it in a market for women ages (25-35). Building on the “healthy and delicious” appeal of oatmeal, I utilized images to visually depict the ingredients: milk, fruit and oatmeal. The slight curve in the cup is not only more ergonomic but it also insinuates a thinning waistline. The tin foil covering the top of the cup will differentiate each flavor as each fruit is represented by a different color.

José Luis García Eguiguren‘s latest academic project at Elisava Escola superior de disseny.

  1. me encanta la interaccion de la fotografia con el concepto. Creo que se ha llegado a un equilibrio perfecto. Me encanta la simpleza que lleva y sobre todo que con tan pocos elementos logras expresar mucho. sigue adelante

  2. Me gusta mucho. Tiene limpieza, está hermoso y se ve muy funcional…bien por el diseñador!

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Derrick Lin
