Mixed Ape

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Derrick Lin

The Mixed Ape Lineup – source The Drinks Report

Designed by WINcommunication, Germany.

The Mixed Ape cocktails range has been introduced in 230ml aluminium bottles.

There are six flavours with alcohol: Tequila Sunrise, Mai Tai, Sex on the beach, and Niterox. Plus two alcohol free: Lime Time and Yellow Runner. The range is aimed at events requiring a fast and efficient service. Already awarded a Superior Taste Award this year by the iTQi in Brussels, the cocktail range is now being rolled out across Europe.

Manufactured by Boxal, the bottles are printed in high definition offset with striking special effects with the brand identity and different flavours clearly highlighted in bright colours. Shatterproof, light and recyclable, aluminium bottles are ideal for the events sector, providing total safety while maximising the brand’s on-pack image and communication.