Lucky Foods Rebrand

Derrick Lin

Designer: Bridget Richardson
Brand Manager: Megan Benson
Location: United States
Project Type: Produced
Client: Lucky Foods
Product Launch Location: United States
Packaging Contents: Frozen Spring Rolls
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Freezer safe paper
Printing Process: CMYK process

Lucky Foods knew it was time for an update to their packaging. Brand Manager, Megan Benson, had identified a list of areas that were in need of improvement but wanted to ensure her thoughts aligned with consumers, she interviewed the target demographic to get packaging feedback. It was clear from her interviews that the packaging had a number of obstacles to overcome.

  1. The old packaging was not communicating the quality of the product
  2. The packaging contained so many attributes that it was overwhelming and got lost on the packaging
  3. The flavors were not clear
  4. The product images did not match up with the actual product in the box
  5. The logo made the product look imported
  6. The packaging got lost on the shelf next to competitors

What’s Unique?
Our design speaks to our brand- playful, approachable and vibrant. The grid format makes it easy to see product attributes in a quick glance. The packaging is small which creates a challenge when placed next to competition as it has a smaller footprint, but this tiny package packs a big punch.