Heads effective branding

Трубная ул., 23 корпус 2, Москва, Россия, 127051

“EcoNiva”, a vertically integrated holding, is the largest milk producer in Russia. Over 15,500 employees work in 35 regions of Russia. They are all united by their love for their work, responsible approach to business, high expertise, desire to work efficiently and change life in the country for the better. And this is the first producer with a bright personality and personal responsibility. Stefan Dürr, President of EcoNiva Group, is a shining example of a compelling personal brand development strategy.

The new line of cheeses, for which we were invited to develop the design, is somehow connected to Stefan himself and his life before founding the huge dairy company.

This line is about memories: about the town where he was born and where his mother lives; about the town where he studied; about the place where his grandfather and grandmother lived, where he spent his summer vacations.

Therefore, the design turned out to be so nostalgically idyllic – alpine meadows, high blue sky and, of course, a cow as the main symbol. It should be noted that the cows in the holding are unique, their high productivity is the result of huge selection work. So the cow appeared on the packaging for a reason, because it is these beautiful animals that you will meet when you visit the EcoNiva production tours. Stefan Dürr was able to organize the same favorable environment for animals that he could observe in his childhood on vacation in the village.

All additional stamps support the brand’s promises: made without dyes and preservatives, Stefan guarantees quality, the stamp about “A” class milk suitable for cheese making says that the cheeses are made from milk with a high protein content.

A taste map has also been added so that the customer can already at the shelf assess in advance whether they will like the taste of the new cheese or not, based on their own taste criteria.

The new line has been delighting us with its taste for over a year, if you haven’t tried it yet, we invite you to a tasting!