Švyturys Ekstra Draught


Raugyklos g. 3-5, 01140 Vilnius, Lithuania


Švyturys Ekstra Draught— the legendary pale lager beer from the Traditional Švyturys collection, which undergoes microfiltration rather than pasteurisation before it is bottled. The shelf life of unpasteurised beer is shorter but retains the quality of live beer. Just like in a bar. Exactly what the client asked to reflect in the design — more good bar feeling.


When we considered the most beautiful interiors of bars we have visited or imagined, we agreed on two things. First, bars are dominated by natural surfaces — leather, metal pipes, wood, and concrete. Second, the above surfaces are pretty dark, and the bars are often twilight. From these two agreements, this noble design was born. Only as much as necessary to reveal the feeling.

Let’s count. Švyturys Ekstra Draught logo lockup. Švyturys Ekstra ray enlarged to a monumental scale, ensuring brand recognition and visibility of the can from a distance. The story of the production technology, taste and aroma — for a closer look — inside the ray. The composition is closed by the signature of the brewery founder. Only as much as necessary. Just like in a bar.



Raugyklos g. 3-5, 01140 Vilnius, Lithuania
Design: Artūras Lavruvjanec
Project management: Leta Lileikytė, Auguras Pipiras
Photo studio: étiquette
Product photoshoot: Irmantas Savulionis
Post-production: Irmantas Savulionis
Švyturys-Utenos alus