Derrick Lin

Agency: Selters Design
Designers: Hege Mykkeltveit and Manuela Pacheco
Art Director: Hege Mykkeltveit
Strategic Director: Elisabeth Holter-Schøyen
Copywriter: Kristian Strømme
Illustration: Hege Mykkeltveit
Photography: Julie Kristoffersen
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Tind Spekevarer
Location: Oslo, Norway

Jan and Gisle work at the Factory of Tind in Sunnmøre, Norway. Together with their team, they produce a range of cured meats with a twist. Selters Design has assisted them in developing the identity and concept for their new product: Salami sausages seasoned with exotic spices, for young adult consumers. The packaging, illustrations and website conveys Jan and Gisle’s down-to-earth approach to their craft.

The project was shortlisted and eventually runner up in the genre Packaging: Food, Health and Housekeeping at the 2014 Visuelt awards.

What’s Unique?
Jan & Gisles is unique in the sense that it targets a younger audience than its competitors. The package combines the traditional look of butchers paper with humorous and quirky copy and illustrations.

Both the graphical look and the tone of voice lets the consumer know that this is a playful brand that does not take itself to seriously.