Prana Drinks Raw Organic Kombucha

Derrick Lin

Design Agency: Clik
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Prana Drinks
Location: Thaxted, UK
Packaging Contents: Raw Organic Kombucha
Packaging Materials: Glass, Paper

Prana is an alternative drinks company, about to brew up a storm with their debut product on the market; raw organic kombucha. This tasty beverage known as “booch” is an ancient tea-based drink with serious sass! They came to us at the beginning of 2015 in need of some kickass branding, and we immediately knew we wanted to be a part of this very exciting project!

The Brief:
Prana (which is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘life force’) is made by vegans – for everyone. For gym enthusiasts, for the health conscious and for people who want an alcohol free alternative when out in bars, clubs and pubs. Our challenge therefore, was to design a brand identity that would appeal to this target audience – not the typical brand of kombucha that you only see in health food stores (though of course you will be able to find it there too!), but a brand that sits comfortably next to alcoholic beverages in a pub or club also.

Once we had a solid understanding of their needs and goals, we set to work creating a brand identity that is authentic and communicates exactly who Prana are to their audience. The lip print logo design came to both of us independently; thinking about life force, breath, lips – it was one of those “I’ve just had this thought” followed by an “OMG! So did I!!!” moments, when you just know something is right! Bold, sexy, and full of sass, the design captures the essence of Prana perfectly and they absolutely loved it straight away. We chose a different colour to represent each current flavour, and as new flavours are introduced, so will new colours be introduced to the branding.

The packaging design had to be eye catching in order to jump straight off the shelves (whether that be in a store, a pub or club) into consumers’ hands! Wanting to break away from the traditional clear bottle with a hippy design you typically associate with kombucha, we opted instead for an amber bottle which will not only sit comfortably at a bar, but also preserves the contents better. After looking at a lot of different options (and we mean a lot!), we decided on a premium material for the label that is beautifully textured and resistant to immersion in ice/icy water.