Design: Saanika Shah, Suhani Bahl
Project Type: Student Project
School: MIT Institute of Design
Location: Pune, Maharashtra
Packaging Contents: Graphite Pencils
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Paper Board
Printing Process: Flexography

Every time we discriminate, we create a boundary that should not exist. Let’s get past these lines of distinction to accept, discover and celebrate our diversity as a species whilst keeping in mind, that underneath the skin that covers us, we are all the same.

In the SKYN range of graphite pencils, each pencil on its exterior displays one of the 8 most dominant skin tones around the world, but when you use them, they expose the exact same graphite lead that is inside all of them. Bringing home the fact that their being, use and reality is just the same as each other regardless of their varying exterior. So is ours. Therefore conveying the message, that we as a species should not discriminate based on skin colour, because we are made the same, and equal.

The finger print is symbolic of humans and implies our individuality ; the pencils represent different skin tones and thus the entire package aims to deliver the message that despite of our individuality we are all made the same on the inside.

‘SKYN’ means sense, awareness and perception, which we wish to translate, create and change, respectively.

For this concept we chose pencils as our product of choice for the their simplicity, usage across all age groups and the fact that as a product, its appearance doesn’t drive its function.

What’s Unique?
Our packaging uses a simple, everyday product to send forth a strong message, and get people thinking. It uses a simple idea and graphics to make people understand that discrimination based on skin color is unfair and absolutely unnecessary. Its a thought provoking, socially driven packaging which can find a place in any store, to reach maximum audiences and to drive a change. It subtly targets a present, relevant issue and is a humble step towards changing mindsets.