YONA YONA ALE – Pale ale inspired by Italy

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Derrick Lin

Design: Kushagra Gautam
Location: India
Project Type: Student Project
School: ISDI school of design and innovation
Packaging Contents: Pale Ale, Beer
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Aluminium can
Printing Process: Offset printing

Project Brief:

  1. Pick a graphic i.e toilet symbols, wine bottle labels, newspapers, websites, packaging, etc.
  2. Analyze the distinct graphic styles of the chosen graphic across 5 different countries of the world.
  3. Present comparison and overlap between each style and create a visual language for a country of your choice (apart from the chosen 5 countries) borrowing from the region’s graphic style and culture.
  4. Reflect on the process, challenges, and learning.

As YONA YONA brewing company is a well-renowned company in terms of inventing fused American Pale ale for its customers. YONA YONA Beer works are planning to stamp their leg into Europe very soon enough through BIIRU distributors. So, I take this as a great opportunity to showcase my work on their new distributors to attract more young blood into the adult world.

As my 6th country, I chose Italy as the next stop for YONA YONA ALE to appear with brand new, fresh & country friendly beer packaging which they can relate to. This packaging is designed to blend in and also stand out at the same time. I studied Italian design in terms of typography, color theory, and content balancing which gave me a great leap towards designing new packaging for the new consumers. As the legal age in Italy for the consumption of alcohol is 16 y/o. So, young youth became a big priority as a target audience.

There are many Food+Alcohol combinations that people love eg., Red wine+Steak, White wine+Fish, Beer+Pizza. The focused areas where the 4 primary colors from the original packaging. No such huge changes were made in the content and color because it resembles the originality of the product. The percentage of the color played a huge role in the design decisions. I created 3 different options for the company to choose from.

What’s Unique?
YONA YONA ALE inspired by Italian design is unique in terms of design which can attract the young youth easily and also which can make them relate to the modern and color heavy combination. It really does make you feel to have a sip from it!