Somersby Cider (Redesigned)

Derrick Lin

Designed by Taxi Studio, United Kingdom.

Taxi Studio revs up Scandinavia’s Somersby Cider.
Since the world premiere in 2008, Somersby has become increasingly popular among young urban adults all over Europe. The brand quickly found its niche as a casual drink with a refreshing taste.

So why change a winning concept? Anne Brøndsted Nielsen, Somersby International Marketing Manager from Carlsberg in Denmark explains: “Just like our target group we are not afraid of change and we are big fans of great design. We know that our original design was one of the contributing factors to Somersby’s success. So when we needed to upgrade the design our brief to Taxi was to not only retain the iconic, ‘summery Somersby’ feel, but to actually make it even stronger. We also tasked Taxi with creating a robust brand architecture to help us introduce NPD and new flavour extensions to the range”.

A second objective was to create a clearer distinction between the different variants to make the range easier to shop. Spencer Buck, Creative Director of award-winning British design agency Taxi Studio explains: “Our internal brief was to make it easier to find the right variant, but even more important to us was to strengthen and make more iconic what we saw as vital for the Somersby brand: the organic, back-to-the-roots-feel of the apple tree logo and distinctive brand colourways. This has resulted in a more confident range that we believe will further establish Somersby as a leading cider brand in Denmark and Norway.”

Casey Sampson, Senior Designer at Taxi adds: “Somersby is also made warmer and more summery thanks to the sun that shines through the apple tree and the introduction of the ladder that adds a degree of intrigue and fun. Last but not least the new embossed bottle strengthens the premium feel of the brand.”

Taxi Studio also created Somersby Double Press, a premium dry cider sub-brand that’s due to launch in May 2012.