Mr. Tail Cream Based Cocktails (Student Project)

Derrick Lin

Designer: Gokce Duzgun
Project Type: Student Project
School: Dokuz Eylul University
Course: Bachelor’s Thesis
Tutor: Emre Duygu
Location: Izmir, Turkey
Packaging Contents: Cocktail
Packaging Materials: Wood, Glass, Wax, Cork, Jute, Raffia Palm, Paper

Mr. Tail Cream Based Cocktails passionately embraces pleasure and delight of the coffee & chocolate with blending it’s unique spirits and flavors. As a distinguished gentleman “Mr. Tail” himself salutes users from his own goods. Branding concept based on to give an impression of a high quality, personalized product from the very first sight. Mr. Tail integrates old & modern design approach with graphic codes which supported by sensational material selection. Tactile sense plays an important role in the brand perception. Keeping the packaging appealing and approachable with usage of materials such as wood, sealing wax, cork, jute, raffia palm, also expresses soul of the product on the market. That warmly aims both users’ sense and emotions as a part of the brand experience.

What’s Unique?
Besides the single bottle packaging, Mr. Tail presents different sizes of cocktail sets comes with the wooden crates to give as a gift, share with loved ones and taste different flavors. With using of handmade printed wooden, long lasting, natural packaging, Mr. Tail intends to stay longer in users’ environment as an everyday object. After finishing the drink, boxes continue to tell the brand’s story and remind it for years.