Samya – Packaging for Ayurvedic Medicine

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Derrick Lin

Design: Yosha Waghela
Project Type: Student Project
School: MIT Institute of Design
Course: Graphic Design
Location: Pune, India
Packaging Contents: Medicine (Capsules/Tablets)
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Card Paper, Aluminium foil
Printing Process: Digital Printing/Screen Printing

The aim of this project was to introduce a brand of Ayurvedic medicines and create packaging that is more appealing to the youth and convenient for use than the current general packaging used for over the counter Ayurvedic medicines.

For the Identity
According to Ayurveda, your body is in complete health and well-being when the three dosha in your body are balanced. The identity is a representation of the balance of the three doshas – vata, pitta and kapha.

For the Visual language
– Inspiration : The motifs used on the packaging has been inspired from the symmetrical motifs used on traditional block printed fabrics.
– The motifs illustrated on the packaging are the main ingredients used for the different medicines. –Each medicine is colour coded for easy recall value and is directly associated to the effect of the medicine. Fresh pastel colours have been used to invoke positive and calming feelings.
– There is a subtle incorporation of the medical cross symbol on the layout of the box.

The main intention behind this form was to eliminate the use of the bulky plastic or glass containers which is how Ayurvedic medicines are generally packaged and are inconvenient to carry around for daily usage.

Primary Packaging :
Since the suggested dosage is 2 tablets per day, 15 strips containing two tablets each would be stacked in the box.

Secondary Packaging :
A box which could be hung as a visual reminder. The opening at the bottom will be used to pick the two capsules to be consumed daily. The slit opening on the side could be used to check the amount of remaining strips.

Packaging Materials
Primary Packaging : Alu alu blister foil packaging would be used since it protects the capsules from heat, light and moisture. It is a 100% recyclable.
Secondary Packaging : Card paper would be used to make the box that will be used as a container for the medicine.

What’s Unique?
The simple yet attractive graphics that invoke pleasant feelings make this packaging unique. There is a subtle incorporation of the medical cross symbol on the layout of the box.
Typically, Ayurvedic medicines are packaged in glass or plastic containers which is inconvenient to carry around. This packaging could be hung somewhere in the house or kept on the table so that it acts as a good visual reminder. They also generally just use pictures of the ingredients for the graphics. This would stand out on the shelf.