S’Fruits kids snacks

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Derrick Lin

Design: Nicolas Aguirre
Project Type: Produced
Client: Tsachi Foods
Location: Quito, Ecuador
Packaging Contents: Freeze-dried fruits
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Plastic pouch

S’Fruits is an organic snack made by Tsachi, a brand that produces freeze-dried fruits. This product keeps all the flavor and most importantly, all the nutrients that dried fruits don’t.

The client wanted to redesign their old packaging since it didn’t convey what they wanted, plus it had several communication problems that needed to be addressed. The target audience were moms who buy high-quality product that are good for their children’s nutrition. The goal was to communicate that these snacks are healthy, 100% natural and free of sugar and additives.

What’s Unique?
The solution was to create a packaging that looks and feels healthy, while also giving each flavor a “fun” personality through the use of expressions and a vibrant and bold color palette. A message hierarchy was established in accordance to what the costumer wants to know when purchasing snacks for their children. Keeping in line with the fun personality of the packaging, the fruits themselves give information about themselves, creating a sort of interaction between the packaging and the costumer.