Derrick Lin


Designer: Ivan Pivovarov
Copywriter: Sasha Kizik
Box designer: Vil Akhunzyanov
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Vrach Brewery
Location: St. Petersburg, Russia
Packaging Contents: Beer
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass bottle, wood, paper, cardboard
Printing Process: Digital printing, handwriting

«Vrach» means “doctor” in Russian. We created logo for little homemade brewery and packaging for three line beer mark. Also, business owner it’s a real doctor. A doctor is a person who restores people’s health, makes you feel better, reduces anxiety. Beer “Vrach” does the same. True connoisseurs of beer know how beneficial it affects the attitude of the world.

In this situation, the beer “Vrach” is compared with a visit to an intelligent, wise and kind doctor, who knows exactly how to cure the heart, soul and body of a person. In this context, we have three slogans:

  1. Vrach heals the heart
  2. Vrach heals the soul
  3. Vrach heals the body

What’s Unique?
The design itself and the layout system partly refer to the design of medical forms.

Well, if the topic of “doctors” for someone seems to be difficult, then to remove a certain motive of seriousness, a hilarious stereotype about the handwriting of doctors is played in the label and a recipe that should be read carefully, and then follow the instructions.