Cvece zla (Student Project)

Derrick Lin

Designer: Danilo Trbojevic
Project Type: Student Project
School: Faculty of Applied Arts
Course: Master
Tutor: Milos Ilic
Location: Belgrade, Serbia
Packaging Contents: Sour pickles, chutney, fruit jam
Packaging Materials: Glass, paper

Restaurant Cvece zla (The Flowers of Evil) is named after the famous collection of poems written by Charles Baudelair. Like Baudelaire, I wanted to go a step further than all the others. At the present time we are imposed by things that are “good for us” and they teach us how to behave or not … Cvece zla is the exact opposite of all that, it skips all boundaries and tramples over all the rules that are set. For example, labels for chutney were all made by the same principle: the picture of peppers and classic typography. I have tried to do something with similar principle, but with the introduction of a bit “strange” illustrations and typography.

Cvece zla’s packaging is designed to leave a strong impression on a potential buyer. Avoided most of the rules that are normally used to create the package as a realistic depiction of the product, but is shown as an abstraction or stylization of art. At first glance, it sees as chaos, until you see well and you enter into details of illustrations. Illustrations are made of collages of old illustrations of flowers, vegetables, fruits and birds, while in the background are scribbles that describe the tastes that is in the jar. Of course, the description of those scribbles you can only connect with taste when you try any of the products of Cvece zla. Typography is blended together with illustrations so together they form a single unit and convey information to the consumers. This whole “mess” is framed by a simple and slim frame that gives the label a certain tone of sophistication and elegance.

What’s Unique?
Avoided most of the rules that are normally used to create the package as a realistic depiction of the product, but is shown as an abstraction or stylization of art. These labels are small pieces of art. Labels for chutney and jams were all made by the same principle: the picture of peppers or fruit, or product itself and some classic typography. I have tried to do something with similar principle, but with the introduction of a bit “strange” illustrations and typography.