Derrick Lin

Creative Agency: Franklin 11
Creative director: Laura Casinelli
Art Direction & Graphic Design​: Workship
​Illustration: Amfi Studio
Client: Fawen
Location: NY, USA
Packaging Contents: Soups made out of whole, organic vegetables, without the need for artificial additives or preservatives
Packaging Substrate / Materials: TetraPack
Printing Process: Flexography

The market needed a better, healthy and flavorful product that is reasonably priced and easy to consume on-the-go and on a daily basis.

Fawen soups (pronounced “FA” as in father, “WEN” as in “when”) is a new type of product altogether — never before has there been a line of bottled, drinkable chilled soups with a variety of sophisticated flavors. Further, its new collection of chilled, ready-to-drink soups is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, rolling-out online and in-store now. It is a high quality nourishing, delicious and convenient brand new product which stands out among the ubiquitous coldpressed juices, sugar-packed smoothies and detox programs. The collection can be found in natural and organic groceries, health food stores, gyms, and specialty retailers throughout New York City and is also available at in 12 and 6 pack cases.

Fawen chilled soups are ready-to-drink right off the shelf, no bowls, spoons, or heating needed. Enjoyable anytime, anywhere. Perfect for busy city dwellers pre or post-workout, after a night out, in the office, or simply on the go. The 16.9-ounce resealable, recyclable Tetra Pack bottle, tucks easily into everything from a handbag to a gym bag, so it’s perfectly portable.

What’s Unique?
As said previously, Fawen Drinkable soup is a new collection of coconut-water based, chilled, ready-to-drink soups packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. So a package design was needed to match the collection. The design goal was to communicate a premium product. The main challenge for this brand was to create a package design that would communicate the satisfying and ‘food’ feeling of a soup as well as the refreshing convenience of a juice. We needed to communicate that that product was filling and energizing at the same time, perfect for a busy and active lifestyle. The color scheme is based on the colors of the vegetables used in the soups, but brighter to emphasize the “energized” characteristic of the product: vegetables with high nutritional value.

We needed to communicate that that product was filling and energizing at the same time, perfect for a busy and active lifestyle. The drinkable soup is in a TetraPak environmentally-friendly bottle.