Cahor Blagovest

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Derrick Lin

Designed by The Design Studio 13
Country: Moldova

Easter “Cahor Blagovest”: Design of the Vintage Wine Label

We designed trademark and label for the wine “Cahor Blagovest” by “DK Intertrade”. Over the years the wine has gained reputation, but the company decided to expand the range of wines, which required the repositioning and adaptation of design.

Cahors has a special place among the alcoholic beverages. In Russia and CIS, Cahors is an iconic wine. It is positioned as a quality, special wine for special occasions and daily use. The word “Cahor” has become synonymous with the “church wine”, meaning that it has ritual value, is a part of religion tradition, sacrament of the Eucharist. Wine in general symbolizes the blood of Christ, while Cahors is the wine that is primarily used in Orthodox Church. “Blagovest” is a Russian name of a type of peal in Russian Orthodox bell ringing. Translated literally, “Blagovest” means “Annunciation” or “Good News”.

In the development of the label design, taking into account the name of the beverage, we emphasized the trademark traditional meaning: “Sunday Blagovest” and “Easter Blagovest”, accentuated with the Old Church Slavonic calligraphy and accompanied with the depiction of the Orthodox Church and three bells announcing the beginning of the service.

The original bottle of rectangular shape, symbolizing 4 walls of the temple, is made of dark brown glass. The place reserved for the label is designed to remind the entrance to the temple, it replicates the vaults of the temple and the iconostasis.

The bottle is sealed with T-shaped cork. We have also developed a gift cardboard packaging decorated using the same stylistic solutions as the label and the bottle.